Rooftop Unit Application – Hushcore® Summit System​ for Commercial Retail Building in Seattle, WA

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The building owner had replaced existing “problem” units with new rooftop equipment. After installation, the business received noise complaints from adjoining residential properties.

The new equipment was relatively small in size/tonnage. Thus, the original equipment manufacturer could not approve unit support of a full-sized BRD solution.

Project Design Constraints

  • Equipment Weight Restrictions & Concerns.
  • Limiting the weight of a unit-supported sound control design to reach OEM approval.
  • Maintain sufficient attenuation while avoiding independent support or roof penetration.

Solution – Hushcore® Summit System

Lighter-gauge constructed panels were used to limit the overall weight of each system, and Hush Guard end-panels were used to add additional unit attenuation where needed to achieve sufficient reduction.


The sound control system achieved an 8 dB(A) reduction at the closest residential property line.